From ancient civilizations' grandeur to the Middle Ages' intricate designs, roofing styles have evolved significantly.

Roofing has always been an integral aspect of architectural design, shaping the aesthetic and functionality of structures throughout history. From ancient civilizations' grandeur to the Middle Ages' intricate designs, roofing styles have evolved significantly. In this blog, we'll explore the rich tapestry of ancient roofing styles and how they continue to influence modern architecture through innovative solutions like Onduline's best roofing sheets.

Ancient Roofing Styles

Throughout history, the art of architecture has been a canvas for showcasing creativity, functionality, and culture. One fundamental aspect of this art is roofing, which has evolved into an embodiment of historical inspiration. Explore the fascinating world of ancient roofing styles that have left an indelible mark on modern architectural design:

a. Greek and Roman Roofs

Greece and Rome pioneered architectural innovation, and their roofing types showed their engineering and design skills. Ancient Greek temples had gabled roofs with ornamental embellishments for safety and grandeur. The Romans were skilled at building domed roofs, as shown in the Pantheon.

b. Chinese Roofing

Chinese architecture boasts a unique roofing style characterized by its graceful curves and intricate details. The distinctive upturned eaves and multi-tiered designs, often seen in pagodas and traditional homes, reflect a harmonious balance with nature. This ancient roofing style continues to inspire architects seeking to blend tradition with modernity.

c. Gothic and Medieval Roofing

The Gothic and Medieval periods witnessed a shift towards more complex roof designs. High-pitched roofs with steep gables and ornate truss systems became prominent features in cathedrals and castles. These awe-inspiring structures not only showcased remarkable craftsmanship but also provided functional solutions for drainage and structural support.

Roofing Materials Through the Ages

From natural wonders like thatch to the sophisticated elegance of terracotta tiles, roofing materials have shaped our world's architectural landscape. Delve into the rich tapestry of roofing materials through the ages, uncovering the enduring legacy of ancient wisdom and the innovative solutions that have emerged in contemporary construction:

a. Thatch Roofing

One of the oldest roofing materials, thatch, was widely used in ancient civilizations for its natural insulating properties. Comprising layers of dried vegetation, such as straw or reed, thatch roofs were versatile and sustainable. 

b. Terracotta and Clay Tiles

The use of terracotta and clay tiles dates back centuries, particularly in regions with warm climates. Their ability to regulate temperatures and provide excellent insulation made them popular choices. Modern iterations of clay tiles combine tradition with cutting-edge technology, offering durable and energy-efficient roofing solutions.

Sustainability and Modern Roofing

In our ever-evolving world, sustainability has become a driving force in architectural innovation. Roofing, as a pivotal element of any structure, plays a significant role in this movement toward a greener and more eco-conscious future. Explore the intersection of tradition and modernity with Onduline, where sustainability and modern roofing solutions converge to create a more environmentally responsible and efficient built environment:

a. Green Roofing

In a world increasingly focused on sustainability, green roofing has emerged as a revolutionary trend. Green roofs use plants to make the air better, prevent too much rainwater from flowing, and make buildings stay warmer. This innovative approach harmonizes with nature, creating environmentally friendly spaces in urban environments.

b. Solar Roofing

Drawing inspiration from the sun-soaked rooftops of ancient civilizations, solar roofing takes solar energy harnessing to new heights. By integrating photovoltaic cells into roofing materials, modern structures can generate clean, renewable energy while maintaining aesthetic appeal. This forward-thinking approach exemplifies how historical influences drive modern innovation.


As we reflect on the enduring influence of ancient roofing styles on contemporary architecture, it's crucial to mention organizations like Onduline. Their commitment to blending traditional materials with cutting-edge technology has resulted in some of the best roofing materials available today. By drawing inspiration from the past, architects and manufacturers continue to create roofs that not only protect but also enhance the beauty and sustainability of our built environment.